Calibre Routex Group are pleased to announce that commencing the 7th January we have been awarded (AEO) status Authorised Economic Operator.
What is AEO?
Economic Operator is an accreditation granted to a business that satisfy strict customs criterias and are considered to be reliable in thier customs related operations throughout the European Community (EC)
Why has the status of AEO been introduced?
The introduction of AEO status is the EC’s response to the need to secure international supply chains and the introduction of Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) in the USA and the development of the Safe Framework of standards in the World Customs Organisation (WCO).
The aim is to provide business with an internationally recognized quality mark which will indicate that their role in the international supply chain is secure and their customs controls and procedures are efficient and compliant. An operator with AEO security and safety status implies that apart from being reliable in the traditional financial and customs terms, they are also compliant in respect of security and safety standards and can therefore be considered as a ‘secure’ trader and thus a reliable trading partner.
What are the anticipated benefits of Calibre Routex Group being awarded AEO status?
– Fewer Physical and documentary checks/examinations
– In some cases Fast Tracking of shipments through customs/ security procedures
– If selected, priority examinations and clearance of cargo
The AEO customs simplification certificate will also be:
– a recognisable status across the EC that should make it easier for businesses to apply and use simplifications across the EC
– an industry ‘kite mark’ and useful marketing tool.